Nord Modular .midnam generator
Your Nord Modular contains hundreds of patches. With this utility you can generate a file named "Nord Modular.midnam"
for use in MOTU's Digital Performer 4. The result is that you can choose patches by bank and name in your sequencer.
- The file "Nord Modular.midnam" can be stored (Mac OS X) as "<systemdisk>/Library/Audio/Midi devices/MOTU/Clavia/Nord Modular.midnam"
- Clavia.middev is the Clavia.middev file in the same dir as above, defining the MIDI channels etc of Clavia machines. I have added a Nord Modular entry.
Download my Clavia.middev by using "save link target as..."
- Nord Modular.midnam is the Nord Modular.midnam file with the default Clavia factory patches (V3.0).
Download my Nord Modular.midnam by using "save link target as..."
IMPORTANT: Save copies of your original files before you replace them!
- With the Nord Modular editor: upload the patches stored in your
Nord Modular to your computer using the "Bank Upload" command from the
"Synth" menu for every bank (1-9).
- Bank 1-5 contain Clavia's factory patches, unless you changed them.
- The Nord Modular contains 9 banks in total.
- Use the form below to specify the bank files (not individual patches!), typically they are named "Bank1", "Bank2", etc.
- Click "Submit"
- Save the resulting XML file with your browser ("Save as...") to your computer
"systemdisk/Library/Audio/Midi devices/MOTU/Clavia/Nord Modular.midnam"
[Electronic Music projects]
[Nord Modular]
[Nord Modular/MOTU .midname file generator]
Rick Jansen (rick.jansen at