WordsFinder/German PRO for crossword, cryptogram, Scrabble, Wordfeud, anagram
- NO internet connection needed
- The full version has crossword, Scrabble/Wordfeud, "is", "super" and anagram search.
- The Wordfeud version has Scrabble/Wordfeud search only, without further ado. Wordfeud has not yet announced the German word list, so the list may change in the near future.
- "Available letters": enter your letters.
- Use a dot '.' as a blank.
- Use '@' for one or more missing letters (crosswords)
- "ä", "ö", "ü" are separate letters in Scrabble
- "Starts with", "Contains" and "Ends with": letters, words or word parts already on the board.
Your letters are used to append new words.
"Letters on board": one or more letters "free" on the board.
Each letter is tried in turn with your available letters to make a word.
Example: "aap" and "gr" yields:
Sort words by score, alphabet or word length using the arrow buttons.
Free German Dictionary,
containing 1.260.841 words.
- Does not require an internet connection.
Click for Scrabble/Wordfeud